Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bigger in Texas

In the article The Big State Complex written by my colleague, they discuss the magnitude and overwhelming errors made in the Texas Constitution. They make the point that the Constitution should be evaluated and revised to clean up, instead of left in this sloppy and poorly written format.
I do agree with my colleague in that the Constitution is definitely way too long containing many unnecessary bills that have no right there. I like the comparison to the other states Constitutions to really give a perspective to the reader on how large the Constitution is, stating no other state has a larger Constitution with "The only Alabama." I believe in Texas that when the undereducated people hear that we have an absurdly large Constitution, they think of it as a good thing and something to be proud of, just like my colleagues quote "Everything's bigger in Texas." With the majority of the voters not having a clue what they are voting for one the bills, they free willingly vote "yes" on so many new bills just raising the total to an even more tremendous amount constantly.
As much as I do agree that the Constitution is due for a tune up, I don't believe it will happen. With the effort required to make theses revisions, I cannot seeing anybody stepping up and taking the initiative. With the counterargument that the Constitution has gotten us this far, I think it is here to stay.