Thursday, October 27, 2011

Abortion Law Appropriate?

In the article Supreme Court Won't Reinstate Abortion Sonogram Law, the author Emily Ramshaw discusses the feelings towards the newly proposed law that we make the women have a "sonogram and hear a description of the fetus before terminating a pregnancy." The reason for doing this is with the intention of striking an emotional attachment between the mother and the fetus possibly causing her to change her mind.
I believe that abortion is a way of murder and I do like this law; as long as these mothers still have their free will to decide the final outcome of the baby I see no real problem with this. Even though I see it as taking a life, for the good of the child, I feel in particular cases, abortions may be the right choice. If a young girl is raped and had no intention of having a child, I don't see it necessarily selfish or inhuman to get an abortion. If they keep it, that completely alters and probably ruins their life, as well as a lot of embarrassment that comes with it. Who is to say who is allowed an abortion and who isn't though? I feel it should still be a choice of the carrier, but if we have something to give them another perspective on it, I think that should be allowed. I think some of the argument against this law may be that the girls, who are most likely pretty young, or that's what the stereotype is, are already extremely emotional in the position that they are in, and with the feeling of pressure or being judged might push them into making a decision they really do not want or will regret. When it comes down to it, in some cases, families might now even have the money to get an abortion.
I think it may be one of those cases where people might think differently if they were put into the situation. In the end, these soon to be mothers should have the right to decide the final outcome of the baby, however I do like the idea behind this law and fid it clever.

1 comment:

  1. In his article Abortion Law Appropriate my colleague presents his views on the "Abortion Sonogram Law". I Share views with my colleague and agree that his methods of development for the argument are valid. There is one thing i would have added if i had written this particular composition. This in no way takes away from the validity of his argument for the laws enactment. I agree that abortion is taking a life and that if at all possible that life should be preserved, however, their are cases where abortion is the correct choice to make.
    If i had presented this article i would have also included information concerning another case in which abortion should be indisputable. Due to complications with the birth, the woman should have a choice the abort the child if either her life or the babies life is in extremely high risk of fatality. If having the birth,an event that should bring life, only brings death then it is entirely acceptable for the women to prevent either her own death or prevent anymore complications that may arise. i believe this is just another situation where abortion should be an acceptable alternative
