Thursday, September 29, 2011

Enforcing Water Conservation in Texas

Being Texas locals we all understand the severity of the current drought we are all experiencing.  In an article in the Austin American Statesman titled "Water Conservation a Habbit We Must Keep" makes an argument supporting the strategy of the Government creating laws helping conserve our water supply and penalizing those who choose to be irresponsible and waste water.
In reading this article, the author does a a good job of targeting their audience correctly, although it's hard to target the wrong audience in this case. Just about everyone in Texas is suffering from this drought and are in desperate need of water and the main point of this article is supporting the more efficient use of water. In the case of their argument I doubt there are too many protesting, besides the stubborn old men who want nothing but a green lawn and a shiny car. The author states their argument in the article not at just one particular point, but throughout the entire passage, although it is clear what they insists on us doing and what actions they think are acceptable. They ephasize the values of the problem by adding a statement made by Ray Benson, leader of the band Asleep at the wheel who insisted people to think of water "like it was your son or daughter". The evidence used by the author supports the argument well because they use facts to support their argument rather than their own beliefs. They discuss in the article the positive impact occuring from the stricter water restictions set in, such as on "Aug. 13, 2001, when we used 240.3 million gallons. We have not used as much water in a single day since, despite the fact our city's population has grown by 20.4 percent." I like the point made by the author and the difference made by the enforcements and actions taken by the people. I believe that nobody is a real loser in a case like this because it is during a time when we all have the same problems.

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