Thursday, September 15, 2011

Perry Gains Support in Interesting Fashion

Some people see death as the ultimate punishment, taking away an individual's right to live, however on the other hand some people see it as a way of escaping their consequences. In an article by Jim Henson in the Texas Tribune, it addresses the somewhat disturbing amounts of applause and cheering from the audience at the presidential primary debate when Governor Rick Perry was questioned about his record setting number of sentenced executions. Governor Perry showed no guilt for these executions, as it is only helping him gain supporters, and therefore voters. According to multiple polls taken in Texas on people's opinions on the use of the death penalty over 75 percent of the voters were in favor of the death penalty and out of that small amount who are not in favor of it, only 16 percent said they "strongly opposed" the death penalty. I believe that the reason for this support of the death penalty is these people want justice, and believe that these convicted felons deserve a punishment equal to the crime that they committed. I also believe that it is because of fear; the peace of mind they will receive knowing that someone they fear cannot harm them. Personally I believe that being forced to sit in a cell for the rest of your life with no chance of getting out, is much more of punishment than death. In that case it seems like death is a way of escaping rather than a punishment. I expect no change in Perry's method, as it seems to be working in his favor.

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